Marketing plan in a day

March 21st 2017
Waters Edge
Barton upon Humber
Marketing your organisation is essential but how often does marketing take the back seat?
What you need is a plan – one that is cost effective, realistic and will keep your name at the forefront of stakeholders minds.
This masterclass will help you to formulate a marketing plan, think about how you are going to make it happen and suggest loads of ways for you to market yourself easily and cost effectively.
The workshop is aimed at senior level staff who have a good understanding of their organisation and how it functions.
The workshop will take place at our base at Waters Edge, Barton upon Humber.
Designed by a social enterprise for social enterprises
Be confident about Marketing
Turbo charge your income
Learn how to develop a marketing plan
Tell the world just how good you are!
The cost of the workshop is £30 and includes lunch.
Please book through Eventbrite